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Composer (MIDI)

Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962); AUT/USA

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Fritz Kreisler

Kreisler, Fritz (Friedrich) (b Vienna, 1875; d NY, 1962). Austrian-born violinist and composer (Amer. cit. 1943). Entered Vienna Cons. at age 7. Amer. début 1888 in Boston, followed by tour with pianist Moriz Rosenthal. Returned to Europe and abandoned mus. career, studying medicine in Vienna and art in Rome and Paris. Resumed career as violinist Jan. 1898 in Vienna. Returned to USA 1900-1. London début, Philharmonic Soc., May 1902. His brilliant technique and unmistakably personal tone put him in the forefront of int. violinists. In 1910 gave the f.p. of Elgar's conc., which is ded. to him. Lived in NY 1915-24 but later returned to Eur. and in 1938 became Fr. citizen. Made many recordings. Returned to NY 1940, thereafter living chiefly in USA. Comp. str. qt. and many pieces for vn., of which the best-known are Caprice Viennois, Liebesfreud, Liebesleid, Schön Rosmarin and Tambourin Chinois. Also transcr. works by Dvořák, Paganini, and Tartini. Wrote cadenzas for Beethoven and Brahms concs.

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Fritz Kreisler, Fritz (Friedrich) (b Vienna, 1875; d NY, 1962). Austrian-born violinist and composer (Amer. cit. 1943). Entered Vienna Cons. at... More
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